Please note that New Montefiore Cemetery is now accepting credit card payments IN PERSON and ONLINE. Credit card payments will be accepted for stone cleanings, photographs, and planting orders currently.

Interment Details


BRANDON WELLS MILLER passed away on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 and is located in section 1, block 11 of New Montefiore Cemetery.

Interment #:M175212
Last Name:MILLER
Date of Death:7/3/2024
Block:11 View Block Map

Grounds Map

Grounds Map of New Montefiore Cemetery
Click on the block numbers in the map above to view the block in greater detail.
Section 1 Block 2 Section 1 Block 5 Section 1 Block 4 Section 1 Block 3 Section 1 Block 8 Section 1 Block 11 Section 1 Block 13 Section 2 Block 1 Section 2 Block 2 Section 2 Block 6 Section 2 Block 9 Section 2 Block 12 Section 2 Block 4 Section 2 Block 8 Section 2 Block 5 Section 2 Block 10 Section 2 Block 11 Section 3 Block 1 Section 3 Block 2 Section 3 Block 3 Section 3 Block 4 Section 3 Block 5 Section 3 Block 6 Section 3 Block 7 Section 3 Block 8 Section 3 Block 9 Section 3 Block 10 Section 3 Block 11 Section 3 Block 12 Section 3 Block 13 Section 3 Block 14 Section 3 Block 15 Section 3 Block 16 Section 3 Block 17 Section 4 Block 1 Section 4 Block 2 Section 4 Block 3 Section 4 Block 4 Section 4 Block 5 Section 4 Block 6 Section 4 Block 7 Section 4 Block 8 Section 4 Block 9 Section 4 Block 10 Section 4 Block 11 Section 4 Block 12 Section 4 Block 13 Section 4 Block 14 Section 4 Block 15 Section 4 Block 16 Section 4 Block 17 Section 5 Block 1 Section 5 Block 2 Section 5 Block 3 Section 5 Block 4 Section 5 Block 5 Section 5 Block 6 Section 5 Block 7 Section 5 Block 8 Section 5 Block 9 Section 5 Block 10 Section 5 Block 11 Section 5 Block 12 Section 5 Block 13 Section 5 Block 14 Section 6 Block 1 Section 6 Block 2 Section 6 Block 3 Section 6 Block 4 Section 6 Block 5 Section 6 Block 6 Section 6 Block 7 Section 6 Block 8 Section 6 Block 9 Section 6 Block 10 Section 6 Block 11 Section 6 Block 12 Section 6 Block 13 Section 6 Block 14