General Rules & Regulations
Cemetery will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Burial of persons not of the Jewish faith is strictly prohibited. Only one body or cremains shall be permitted in one grave. All remains must be in a rigid container. The burial of cremains and the burial of a casket will not be permitted in the same grave. The scattering of cremains is prohibited. The burial or scattering of the remains from Natural Organic Reduction is prohibited. Burial of pet cremains is strictly prohibited.
Liquors or refreshments will not be permitted upon the Cemetery grounds.
Solicitations or advertisements of any description prohibited on the Cemetery.
All persons are prohibited from climbing trees and from leaping or crossing over enclosures whether belonging to the Cemetery Corporation or others.
Any person violating the rules of the Cemetery or injuring in any way the property therein, or acting in any manner un- becoming the sanctity of the place, shall forthwith be deprived of the privilege of entrance, and, if deemed necessary, will be prosecuted by law.
Owners of lots, when opening graves, must keep at least six inches within the limits of their lots, preventing damage to the adjoining land.
The charges for opening and closing graves will be regulated by the Board of Directors and the New York State Division of Cemeteries. All such work shall be done by the Director of Operations of the Cemetery.
No interment or work of any description permitted without a written permit from the plot owner.
Plot owners may adorn their lots with flowers or shrubs, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
Any sale, assignment or conveyance of the use of a lot or lots will be accepted if made in accordance with the provisions of law. In such case, the deed of conveyance, if any, must be recorded in the office of the cemetery and a recording fee will be charged.
The Directors from time to time may, without notice, lay out or alter avenues, paths or walks and make such rules and regulations for the governance of the grounds as they may deem requisite and proper to secure and promote the general objectives of the Corporation.
To protect the Cemetery from damage or injury, work of any nature or description must be under the supervision of the Director of Operations. Application for permission must state the nature and a plan of the work must be filed. If approved, the Director of Operations will issue a written permit therefor for which a reasonable fee must be paid to cover the cost of super- vision. This permit must be available for inspection as work progresses and if work is not being done in accordance with these rules and regulations it may be cancelled.
All work must start before 3:00 p.m. and stop not later than 4:00 p.m. All workmen must leave the Cemetery not later than 4:30 p.m. No work shall be done on Saturdays, Sundays, Religious or Legal Holidays. No work shall be started on Friday which cannot be finished and the debris entirely removed before the hour for ceasing work on that day.
All foundations for monuments shall be built by the Cemetery Corporation and be paid for in advance.
A sketch giving complete dimensions of the construction work must accompany all foundation orders.
Perpetual care is required on beds and ledgers.
Monuments with pictures, designs or inscriptions of any improper kind, or anything contrary to the Jewish faith or creeds, must not be erected or they will be immediately removed at the owner's expense. All stonework shall be subject to the approval of the Directors.
All monument work shall have the surface next to the foundation dressed true to allow every part to be in contact with the foundation. The removal or building of any part of the foundation, or any defective workmanship in the base, will not be allowed.
All monument work shall be clean and cut and erected in a first-class workmanlike manner. Rusted surfaces, natural rock seam faces, or Plaster of Paris from polishing machines shall be pointed off clean.
All mausoleums, monuments, enclosures, etc. shall be of newly cut monumental granite. Old or second-hand granite or building materials of any description whatsoever will not be accepted. The erection or use of wood, marble or iron is prohibited.
All monuments shall rest on foundations, ordered and paid for by the Monument dealer, and built by the Cemetery authorities.
No stones may be dropped in the Cemetery. Setting must be completed when the stone is delivered.
Private family plots shall have but one monument bearing the family name and placed in the rear center of the plot. Headstones in any family plot are prohibited. Footstones may be placed at the foot of every grave.
No stones may be set on rainy days. Planks must be used across ground where stones are drawn. All waste material, etc. remaining after erection or repair of any work whatsoever, must be removed by the contractor or plot owner within three days, otherwise the same will be removed by the Director of Operations of the Cemetery at the owner's expense.
Mausoleums will not be permitted on any plot containing less than twenty by thirty (20' x 30') feet in dimensions.
No mausoleum may be erected within sixteen (16') feet of any road twenty (20') feet or more in width or twenty-six (26') of any fifteen (15') foot road. Full plans and specifications must first be filed and approved at the office of the Cemetery.
Unless otherwise indicated by a rider to the contract, the Director of Operations deems that the width of a family monument should not exceed 60% of the width of the plot and that the height of a family monument under 7'0" in width shall not be more than 4'0" and those over 7'0" wide shall not exceed 4'6". Footstones may not be more than 2' wide nor 1'6" above the ground. Single and double headstones shall not exceed more than 4'0" in height.